Vehicle restriction measures in Bogota would affect national logistics

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Vehicle restriction measures in Bogota would affect national logistics

According to media, new mobility limitations for cargo vehicles in the Calle 13 corridor in Bogotá, which would start on November 17, could affect the efficiency of the logistics of the city and the country and generate additional costs.

The measure, which will restrict the movement of trucks along the corridor between 6 am and 8 am, adds to a previously established measure that limited it between 9 am and 10 am.

Thus, the sector would have an unproductiveness of four hours a day, which could affect the dynamics of the national logistics if is considered that 16.26% of the total cargo reported by the National Cargo Registry passes through this route.

According to media, voices of the sector claim that before entering into application, this restriction must be submitted to the evaluation of the Intersectoral Commission of Logistic Corridors in accordance with the guidelines of Article 5 of Decree 1478/14.

DEPCO Logistics will be attentive to the developments of this news in order to inform our clients about the possible effects of the application of the measure in a timely manner.

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